Yom Talk

w/ Tephillah


Listen up.

I have learned much in my service to Yahuah Aluah and Yahusha Ha’Mashiach. I battled with my voice and not fully understanding how I worship him. Through time I realized it is through obedience and creativity that I hear the voice of Aluah. So I will continue to serve in that capacity until my race is complete. If you have the time please visit my SoundCloud.

Let’s take a moment and process what Yahusha is showing you, about YOU!

Yom Talk


Yom Talk 〰️

What is Yom Talk?

A weekly podcast focused on spiritual/mental health. Lead by scripture. Looking to help those who deal with stress, anxiety, overthinking, etc. Purpose: to find Shalom by applying the word to their lives in practical ways. Helping the nation to form better relationships, and habits and gain more confidence in their walk with Adoniy Yahusha. The facilitator Tephillah Amunah speaks from a perspective of currently applying or having overcome certain obstacles.

At the end of every session, there are a few breathing exercises to help listeners command and start their day.