Talitha Cumi

Talitha Cumi is a podcast created to foster a deeper intimacy with Yahusha. Deeper intimacy means seeking Him fervently in prayer, spending quality time in His presence, and studying His word with a hunger for revelation and specifically a revelation about yourself… ultimately, knowing Yahusha and allowing Him to see you.

As we invite Yahusha into the deepest recesses of our being, our relationship with Him will grow stronger, leading us to a life filled with purpose, joy, and an unwavering amunah (faith).

Meet Your Host

Shalom, I am Tushi Labbah your host for the Talitha Cumi podcast. It’s been my life-long passion to help the daughters of Zion be healed from the wounds of life. We’ve been dealt a seriously unfair hand in this construct, and that makes life that much more difficult to excel and be whole.

Thus, my commission from Yahusha is to help Him rescue His daughters. We all have experienced some trauma that has stunted our emotional maturity somewhere. Praise Yahusha there is a balm that can be applied to those wounds.

Take the time from your busy schedules to invest in you and start your healing process today. Join me weekly as I discussed how to draw closer to Yahusha, your Creator in spite of the challenges.

  • Founder

    It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.


  • This was needed!! Praise Yahusha 🙌🏿🙌🏿🙌🏿Todah Morah Tushi Labbah SabaYahu for allowing Adonai Yahusha to use you in this portion of healing the inner child!

    KeeshYah Yahu

  • This podcast is so meaty. I just sat and listened to every episode. And guess what I’m going to listen to them again and again and again. You can’t grab everything in one sitting. I’m about to sit and feast, journal, and do the work. Because what you think you are over will manifest in multiple ways if you really haven’t dealt with it fully. Building my arsenal up! There’s a purpose and a plan for each of us. What will you do with your allotted time?

    Tirzah SabaYahu

  • This podcast was amazing, I highly recommend every woman on timeline check it out💕

    Zamorah Qaran Shemesh Yahudah

Hear the tunes…

Check out my Soundcloud if you like the tracks playing behind my episodes. Music has a way of creating the perfect atmosphere for whatever purpose you have. I’ve recently began creating tunes for my meditation and relax time and it’s really therapeutic for me. Check me out…